Showing posts with label House Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Party. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

House Party March--Game Night

Hey guys,

This is just a friendly reminder about the Game Night House Party coming up this Saturday (March 27th) at 6:30pm at Tonya and Matt Jernigan's House. Everyone is welcome, as always. And this time we ask that you not only bring some food to share, but bring your favorite game (if you have one). It should be a great time.

The Address: 4088 Kenesaw Drive

The Date: March 27th

The Time: 6:30pm-9:00pm

I hope to see everyone there!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hous Party March UPDATE

Hey gang, we have decided to move the House Party for March from this Saturday (March 20) to NEXT Saturday (March 27th) due to some scheduling conflicts.

The party will the at the Jernigan's House (4088 Kenesaw Drive) from 6:30pm to about 9:00pm. We will be playing games, so if you have a favorite board game, bring it along. And, as always, bring a dessert or appetizer to share.

And don't forget about the Workday Getaway Lunch this Thursday 11:30 at Sawyer's.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Update (on Monday)

Well, I'm getting closer. It was another busy weekend for me, but maybe one of these days I'll get caught up.

Last week was a light week. Nothing much going on other than Sunday School. I wasn't able to attend, but I've heard that it was a good class with Woody teaching on Jesus 101. Come join us next Sunday for Presbyterian 101.

This week we have the second installment of the Workday Getaway Lunch. This month we will be meeting at Sawyer's in Downtown Lexington (325 West Main St) on Thursday March 18th at 11:30am. Lunch will be less than an hour so that everyone can get back to work on time.

Stay tuned for an update on the House Party for March. We are currently evaluating whether or not to move it back a week due to short notice and the fact that both Kyle and I may be unable to attend. We will have it, though. And it will be a fun Game Night at the Jernigan's House (4088 Kenesaw Dr). I will let you all know ASAP what the date is. Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Update

Happy Sunday!

What a difference a week makes, huh? Last Sunday it was 60 and sunny. This Sunday it was 30 and cloudy. Still, I hope everyone had a great week.

YAO had quite a bit going on this week with the House Party at Kyle & Sarah's on Saturday which was a lot of fun, despite the Cats losing. Unfortunately, I forgot to get my camera out, so there are no pictures, but the turnout was great and the food was even better. If you couldn't join us, don't worry, the next party is scheduled for Saturday March 20th at 6:30pm and the Jernigan's house. I'll have more details and an address soon.

We also had a very good showing for Sunday school this week (we even used up all of the extra chairs and had to go find more!). Woody led the class in a brief history of the church. We covered everything from Jesus to Martin Luther to the rise of denominations in just under an hour. Missed out? Join us next Sunday as Kyle leads us in Worship 101. The coffee is good and the company is even better!

This week is the inaugural Pub Club meeting at Two Key's Tavern. We will be discussing Spirituality vs Religion and how both of those concepts fit into our lives as young adults. Please join us this Wednesday, March 3rd, at 6:30pm to kick off what we hope becomes one of the best and most interesting events on the calendar.

Friday, February 26, 2010

House Party This Saturday!

I hope everyone is having a great Friday and has survived the latest round of snow. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for spring!

This is just a quick reminder about the House Party coming up Tomorrow Saturday February 27th at 11:30am at Kyle and Sarah's House. We will be watching the UK/UT basketball game. And I hope to see everyone there to cheer on the Cats as they beat Tennessee for the second time this season.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Update

Hey guys, I hope you all had a chance to get out today and enjoy the fabulous weather. I know I did. It was a nice change from all the cold and snow we've been having.

This week was the start Lent, and it was also the start of several new programs here at Maxwell Street. Thursday was our first Workday Getaway Lunch and, although I was not able to make it, Kyle informed me that it went well. We had a small group, but a good group. I hope that more of you can join us as we go along. The next lunch will be Thursday March 18th at Sawyer's in downtown.

This morning was also the first Sunday of the YAO Sunday school class The 101s. The topic this morning was Maxwell Street 101 and we learned a little about the history of Maxwell Street before we went on to discuss where we thought the Church universal and Maxwell Street in specific are today and where we think they need to be. It was a fun way to start off the day, and I encourage all of you to join us next Sunday at 9:30am (there will be coffee to help you wake up) in the Johnston Parlor. I'm not sure what the next topic will be, but Kyle should be posting a schedule shortly.

After church today, we had a large group go to lunch at Puccini's for a little fellowship and a chance to find out what all we have planned for the YAOs through the spring. It was a great chance to meet some new people, have some good food, and get everyone connected to what is going on. If you couldn't join us for lunch, the schedule of events is all posted here on the blog as well as on the Google calendar (which you find a link to under the Young Adults Only page on

Coming up this week:

The February House Party at Kyle & Sarah's House is this Saturday (Feb 27th) at 11:30am. Come ready to cheer on the Cats (or the Vols, if you must) and bring some food to share. Everyone is welcome, including kids!

And don't forget about Sunday School next Sunday. The 101s will continue, lead by Woody (for this week) and I'm sure Kyle will be letting us in on the topic soon.

Hope you all had a great week!

Friday, February 12, 2010

House Party--UK vs UT Game

Come join us at Kyle and Sarah’s house ( 912 Maywick Dr) to watch the UK basketball team take on the Tennessee Vols on Saturday February 27th. The game starts at noon, but we will gather at 11:30 so that everyone can be in place by tip (but feel free to arrive later if you need to). Everyone is welcome, just be ready to cheer on the Cats (or the Vols......but I recommend the Cats). Everyone is asked to bring an appetizer or dessert to share with the group.

And here's a link to the Facebook Event Page.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

House Parties? What?

As Kyle so eloquently put it, gathering in people's homes has always been an integral part of Christianity. The early church functioned almost entirely out of private homes, Jesus spent a large portion of his ministry teaching, eating, and "hanging out" with his disciples in the homes of others.

So, if it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for us, right? ;)

The idea for the monthly house parties came out of a need to have a somewhat regular fellowship event for the Young Adults at Maxwell Street. The only problem was, that when we tried having them at various public locations around town it created several problems. Child care was an issue for those with families, and many people felt awkward just showing up to a restaurant/bowling alley/theater when they weren't sure who was going to be there or what time everyone else was going to show. We also needed a way to gather ideas from the Young Adult community about what kinds of events & programs they wanted to see happen. It was out of this conundrum that the idea of the House Party was born.

We started with something that everyone loves--a good Holiday Party--and it was a huge success. So now, we are hoping to build on that success in 2010.

Here's how it will work. Every month a different member of the group will volunteer to host a gathering either at their home or at a public location (like Keeneland or a park). The date, time, and theme will be left up to the host. Because we want to make this as easy as possible for everyone involved, everyone who attends will be asked to bring either an appetizer or dessert (or both!) to share with the group.

More specific information on each event will be posted as the date nears, but here is a list the next few parties so you can go ahead and mark your calendars:
  • February 27th 11:30am--UK vs UT game Party @ Kyle & Sarah's House
  • March 20th 6:30pm--Game Night @ Tonya & Matthew Jernigan's House
  • April 10th 11:30am--Keeneland Day Tailgate & Day at the Races @ Keeneland Race Course (Hosted by Kim Carrico)
We would love volunteers for May, June, July, & August. If you would like to host a party, please let us know! Don't know what your "theme" could be? We have plenty of ideas. Just drop us a line and we'll help you get it all figured out!