Wednesday, March 24, 2010

House Party March--Game Night

Hey guys,

This is just a friendly reminder about the Game Night House Party coming up this Saturday (March 27th) at 6:30pm at Tonya and Matt Jernigan's House. Everyone is welcome, as always. And this time we ask that you not only bring some food to share, but bring your favorite game (if you have one). It should be a great time.

The Address: 4088 Kenesaw Drive

The Date: March 27th

The Time: 6:30pm-9:00pm

I hope to see everyone there!

Lenten Prayer Vigil

Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church is excited about the upcoming 2010 Lenten Prayer Vigil. The twenty-four hour vigil will begin in the Johnson Parlor at 8:00 p.m., following the Maundy Thursday service on April 1 and will continue until the following evening, April 2, at 7:00 p.m.

What we need are willing volunteers to commit to thirty minutes or an hour of prayer and meditation during the twenty-four hours. Each participating will be given a booklet filled with scriptures, prayers, and hymns to guide you during your time of meditation. For those who sign up for during times when the office is closed, no worries; the college group will act as security and will escort everyone to and from the building.

The sign-up sheet is available during the week in the Church office. So please contact Kate 255-1074 and see what times still need to be filled. I hope you will consider volunteering for this special opportunity to prayer fully reflect the death and crucifixion of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hous Party March UPDATE

Hey gang, we have decided to move the House Party for March from this Saturday (March 20) to NEXT Saturday (March 27th) due to some scheduling conflicts.

The party will the at the Jernigan's House (4088 Kenesaw Drive) from 6:30pm to about 9:00pm. We will be playing games, so if you have a favorite board game, bring it along. And, as always, bring a dessert or appetizer to share.

And don't forget about the Workday Getaway Lunch this Thursday 11:30 at Sawyer's.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Update (on Monday)

Well, I'm getting closer. It was another busy weekend for me, but maybe one of these days I'll get caught up.

Last week was a light week. Nothing much going on other than Sunday School. I wasn't able to attend, but I've heard that it was a good class with Woody teaching on Jesus 101. Come join us next Sunday for Presbyterian 101.

This week we have the second installment of the Workday Getaway Lunch. This month we will be meeting at Sawyer's in Downtown Lexington (325 West Main St) on Thursday March 18th at 11:30am. Lunch will be less than an hour so that everyone can get back to work on time.

Stay tuned for an update on the House Party for March. We are currently evaluating whether or not to move it back a week due to short notice and the fact that both Kyle and I may be unable to attend. We will have it, though. And it will be a fun Game Night at the Jernigan's House (4088 Kenesaw Dr). I will let you all know ASAP what the date is. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sunday Update (on Tuesday)

Sorry this is a bit late. The end of last week and the beginning of this week have been a little crazy!

Anyway, last week saw the first meeting of Pub Club at Two Key's Tavern. It went really well. We had a great turnout and there was a good mix of fellowship and discussion. It was deep and insightful, but still light and fun. I encourage everyone to come next month if they can. The next meeting will be Wednesday April 7th at 6:30pm and Kyle has told me the topic will be the Creation Stories--Our vs Theirs.

We also had a great Sunday School class this week. Kyle led us in a study of the Worship Service--it's different parts, what we like about them and what we don't. Turn out was light (probably due to a certain basketball game taking place at noon that day) but we had a good time. Come see us next Sunday in the Johnston Parlor at 9:15 for free coffee and learn about Jesus 101.

This week, there isn't much going on. But, as Lent winds down, be thinking of topics/classes you would like to see for Sunday School after Lent is over. Also, if you have any ideas of Fellowship events that we could do over the summer months, please let me know. Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quote of the Day

We had a great turn out at Pub Club tonight and I encourage everyone to come next month if they can.

The discussion was good, the food was great, and the company was even better. The quote of the night, however, comes from Grace who gave us all something to think about when she said:
"Showering is like baptism every morning."
YAO ~ Young Adults Only
Sunday School Schedule

March 7 ~ Worship 101
March 14 ~ Jesus 101
March 21 ~ Presbyterians 101
March 28 ~ Bible 101

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thoughts, Ideas, and Articles on Spirituality vs. Religion

Quote: The faith one embraces shapes and changes our lives. Theologian and philosopher Paul Tillich defined religion as “ultimate concern”—perhaps a sneaky way of suggesting that even those who profess no religion indeed have faith, if only in themselves.

What is Religion?

Religion is a framework to a way of living life. It is a set of rules that guides its follower and owns its followers. Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, Buddhism and Jainism are some of the well-known religions of the world. Each of these religions indulge in certain practices of worship, to reach God. Whether it's idol worship or worshiping nature or worshiping scriptures, each of these religion is guideline for worshiping. They are governed by beliefs designed by sages and saints who practiced the same. These religious faith and beliefs have been formed, to some extent, by cultural conditioning. World religions have been passed on to us over generations together. They take the form of traditions and customs, which decide the way we live our lives. In totality, religion is what sets our lives in a direction, and in a large way grooms us.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is not bound by any rules. It does not follow any religion and neither does it adhere to any set of principles. Spirituality is the art and science of self-realization. It's a practice of knowing each part of your body. Being spiritual means awakening the very spirit of being who you are. It's means to recognize what you are made of. It can seem complex in the beginning. However, all of us are spiritual beings, it is just a matter of realizing it. Spirituality is a walk towards the ultimate goal of your life. In essence, it's your journey to find yourself. There are many schools of thought that believe in uniting with the pure mental and physical being by meditating. Meditation is focusing on breathing, which is the very reason for existence.

Spirituality vs Religion

Both spirituality and religion aim to take an individual towards the ultimate goal of life. A religion does so by spoon feeding the individual. Religion gives the person set guidelines and asks him/her to follow. Often, religious beliefs instill fear of God in you and make you do things without questioning them. Spirituality is worship of self as it believes God resides in you and no where outside. The reasons to do so, often remain unexplained. On the other hand, spirituality is an individual experience of the encompassing effect. A spiritual person finds his own way, travels it alone and reaches there in a state of euphoria. Following a religion is doing a duty, whereas being spiritual is being who you are.

This is a Point / Counterpoint article I found on the Internet. Has some interesting points we can discuss on Wednesday Night

Religion vs Spirituality-- Pre-Round

One of the best comparisons I have ever heard concerning religion and spirituality is with religion you are in a river going to an ocean. The ocean is God. With spirituality you can just go directly to the ocean, or you are the ocean.

Religion vs Spirituality-- Round One

Religion sees God as a being that often needs to be worshiped, revered, and even feared. God is seen as a powerful being separate from each of us. Spirituality sees God as a part of everyone and everything. God is not some all powerful being that we will bow before in the future. God is in each and every one of us now, and we can learn to go inside ourselves and discover a higher part of ourselves. Spirituality teaches you to trust in the part of you that is infinite, a part of you that, believe it or not, is omnipotent- all knowing.

Religion vs Spirituality-- Round Two

Religion is very future oriented. Spirituality focuses on the now. Religion sees life as a means to get to a future utopia or paradise. Spirituality tells us the perfection is inside each of us we just have to go in and find it. The problem is our mind is controlled by our ego. Our ego keeps our mind in a turbulent state. We need to learn to silence our mind, which admittedly can be a hard task. Religion tells us our mind is in control until we one day shed our bodies. Spirituality insists we are more than our minds and in control.

Religion vs spirituality-- Round Three

Religion deals more with the external. Spirituality concentrates on the internal. Most everything that you learn about religion you learn from an external source. Usually it is either a book or another individual. Again spirituality tells us that everything we need to learn we can learn from inside ourselves. Interpretation and societal influence play a huge role in religious belief. Spirituality replaces dogma with meditation and discovery.

Religion vs Spirituality-- The Winner

For me the obvious choice is spirituality. It is not limited by any set creed or dogma. Through spirituality you can discover so many things about yourself and the universe you live in. You can free yourself from the cultural influences of the area you were born. You can free yourself from fear. You will learn that all things are possible.