Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sunday Update (on Tuesday)

Sorry this is a bit late. The end of last week and the beginning of this week have been a little crazy!

Anyway, last week saw the first meeting of Pub Club at Two Key's Tavern. It went really well. We had a great turnout and there was a good mix of fellowship and discussion. It was deep and insightful, but still light and fun. I encourage everyone to come next month if they can. The next meeting will be Wednesday April 7th at 6:30pm and Kyle has told me the topic will be the Creation Stories--Our vs Theirs.

We also had a great Sunday School class this week. Kyle led us in a study of the Worship Service--it's different parts, what we like about them and what we don't. Turn out was light (probably due to a certain basketball game taking place at noon that day) but we had a good time. Come see us next Sunday in the Johnston Parlor at 9:15 for free coffee and learn about Jesus 101.

This week, there isn't much going on. But, as Lent winds down, be thinking of topics/classes you would like to see for Sunday School after Lent is over. Also, if you have any ideas of Fellowship events that we could do over the summer months, please let me know. Have a wonderful week!

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