Tuesday, February 2, 2010

House Fellowship Gatherings

Mainline churches are searching for dynamic and engaging models for young adult ministry. According to Neil Cole, “Churches have tried all kinds of ways to attract new and younger members - revised vision statements, hipper worship, contemporary music, livelier sermons, bigger and better auditoriums. But there are still so many people who aren't being reached, who don't want to come to church.” The reality is, church attempts to put young adults in a box, forcing them to fit into a mold established by years of tradition. At Maxwell Street we are exploring new and exciting ways to help young adults find an authentic faith. At Maxwell Street we are trying to bridge the old and the new, as we attempt to live our faith.
One way we are bridging this gap is through house fellowship gatherings. For young adults the Kingdom of God seems to come alive in the places where life happens and where culture is formed - restaurants, bars, coffeehouses, parks, and neighborhoods.
For nearly three hundred years, early Christians met almost exclusively in private homes, they met in their communities surrounded by a group of people searching for an authentic faith. Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church wants to join with you on your journey.
We hope these monthly house fellowship gatherings will allow us the opportunity to live and learn from each other as we journey together.

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