Monday, February 1, 2010


Welcome to the new (and exciting) Young Adults Only (YAO) Blog for the Young Adults of Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church in Lexington, KY. This is the place to come for information on what is going on with the young adult population at Maxwell Street.

What is YAO?

I'm so glad you asked.

We at Maxwell Street have created a group that is open to all young adults, whether they are single or married, twenty-three or thirty-five, with or without children. As a church centered on mission, diversity, and inclusion we understand the importance and gifts young adults offer to a community of faith. We need your energy, your enthusiasm, and your ideas in order to make the Gospel of justice, peace, and love come alive in our church. It is our hope that this new ministry geared toward you will enrich and enliven these voices. We also hope it will provide you with the opportunities to gather with other young adults so that we may share and reflect on our life journey and self-discovery together, offer a space to encounter the intersection of faith and (post)modern life, provide opportunities for serving others, and achieve all of this while holding onto a sense of fun and fellowship.

So what does YAO do?

We have tried our best to provide a variety of events and opportunities that will encompass fellowship, learning, and mission. More detailed information on each even will be available in a separate post (and date specific info will be posted as the event date nears) but below you will find a list of some of our offerings and what to expect:

House Parties
Perhaps our most popular event is the monthly house parties. They are designed as fellowship events where we can get to know one another and have some fun. The theme/location/time will change depending on who is hosting and what they prefer but they will always be open to everyone (including children). For most events, everyone will be asked to bring an appetizer or dessert to share (so that the host does not have to feed us all). I can't tell you exactly what is in store, but I can promise that they will be fun!
When? On a monthly basis. The date and time will change depending on the event.
Each month's event will be hosted by a different member of the group at their home, or at a neutral location. Want to host? Leave a comment below and we will contact you.
Workday Getaway Lunches
One of our newest offerings is a monthly workday lunch to give everyone a chance to get out of the office and relax (even if it is just for an hour). Each lunch will last less than an hour and will be held at a different location in the UK/Downtown Area. No pressure, no program, just a good old fashioned fellowship event to help us all de-stress after a long morning at the office. More info will be posted about each location as the date approaches and we ask that if you are even considering coming, you let us know (via a comment) so that we can get a table to accommodate the group. You don't have to make a firm commitment (we know that things can change when work is involved), but if you think you may come, just let us know.
When? The 3rd Thursday of each month (beginning February 18th) at 11:30am
Where? The location will vary. Watch the blog for more info.
Pub Club
Pub Club is a group that will meet for some light discussion every month in, of all places, a bar! Yes, you read that right, there is a church group that meets in a bar! We believe that God can be found everywhere and that sometimes the best discussions and debates happen in the places where you feel most comfortable. The group will meet once a month with each meeting being a stand alone discussion (so don't fret if you have to miss a month, you won't be behind). The topics will be things that are relevant to our generation--be it a current event or something more broad--and we ask that you bring your own opinions and ideas as well as an open mind.
When? The 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm (beginning March 3rd)
Where? Two Key's Tavern (
333 South Limestone Street).
Mission Work
Maxwell Street is a church that is heavily mission oriented, and we feel that our Young Adults have a lot to offer in this area. Various mission opportunities will be posted here on the blog, and we encourage everyone to participate as much as they can. We will do our best to offer a wide range of opportunities which take advantage of the varied gifts present in our group. There will be chances to help serve the Thursday Night community meal, charity events, and the collection of items to be given to those in need. If you have any idea or suggestions for other things you would like to do, please feel free to let us know. We are always looking for new ways to get involved in mission work.

Anything sound like fun? Is there something you would like to see offered? Drop us a line (or a comment) and we will see what we can do!

How can I get more Information?

There is a Google Calendar set up with all of our events, dates, times, locations, and other info which can be found on the Young Adults Only page of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church website. A link to this blog can be found there as well. You can also find us on Facebook where we have our own group (the Maxwell Street Presbyterian Young Adult Group) where you can find much of the same information that will be posted here. And, if you want a chance to meet some of the group face to face, we try to have informational lunches immediately following worship (~11:30am) 3 times a year where we will have a list of all the events planned for that 4 month period (Spring/Summer/Fall). Our next one is Sunday February 21st. I hope to see you there!

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