Wednesday, February 3, 2010

House Parties? What?

As Kyle so eloquently put it, gathering in people's homes has always been an integral part of Christianity. The early church functioned almost entirely out of private homes, Jesus spent a large portion of his ministry teaching, eating, and "hanging out" with his disciples in the homes of others.

So, if it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for us, right? ;)

The idea for the monthly house parties came out of a need to have a somewhat regular fellowship event for the Young Adults at Maxwell Street. The only problem was, that when we tried having them at various public locations around town it created several problems. Child care was an issue for those with families, and many people felt awkward just showing up to a restaurant/bowling alley/theater when they weren't sure who was going to be there or what time everyone else was going to show. We also needed a way to gather ideas from the Young Adult community about what kinds of events & programs they wanted to see happen. It was out of this conundrum that the idea of the House Party was born.

We started with something that everyone loves--a good Holiday Party--and it was a huge success. So now, we are hoping to build on that success in 2010.

Here's how it will work. Every month a different member of the group will volunteer to host a gathering either at their home or at a public location (like Keeneland or a park). The date, time, and theme will be left up to the host. Because we want to make this as easy as possible for everyone involved, everyone who attends will be asked to bring either an appetizer or dessert (or both!) to share with the group.

More specific information on each event will be posted as the date nears, but here is a list the next few parties so you can go ahead and mark your calendars:
  • February 27th 11:30am--UK vs UT game Party @ Kyle & Sarah's House
  • March 20th 6:30pm--Game Night @ Tonya & Matthew Jernigan's House
  • April 10th 11:30am--Keeneland Day Tailgate & Day at the Races @ Keeneland Race Course (Hosted by Kim Carrico)
We would love volunteers for May, June, July, & August. If you would like to host a party, please let us know! Don't know what your "theme" could be? We have plenty of ideas. Just drop us a line and we'll help you get it all figured out!

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